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STI Information

Image by Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition


There is no shame in having a sexually transmitted infection. Testing is health care, and getting tested regularly when being intimitate with differing partners is a must! When you do contract a sexually transmitted infection; get it tested, take care of yourself and communicate it to any sexual partners you might have given it to. Protest yourself and other and practice safe sex!

Common STIs

  • Chlamydia

  • Gonorrhea

  • HIV

  • Hepatitis B

  • Syphilis

  • Trichomoniasis

  • HPV

  • Herpes

Common Symptoms

  • Bumps, sores, or rashes

  • Changes in colour, smell or amount of vaginal discharge

  • Penile discharge

  • Vaginal or rectal bleeding

  • Pain in the genitals

  • Itching

  • Swollen and painful lymph nodes, especially in the groin and neck

How do they test you?

STI tests are done in a few ways. Sometimes a saliva, vaginal, or rectal swab is used, other times urine or blood samples are necessary.


How to get tested? 

Contact your General Practitioner, go to SENSE or get tested privately for around 40 euros by buying a test yourself, available at Kruidvat, Albert Heijn or online.

For more info visit the GGD website, they redirect to trusted online shops.


When should you get tested?

• You have had sex without a barrier method, like a condom
• You have had or are planning to have sex with a new partner

• You have multiple sexual partners
• You are worried you may have been exposed to an STI
• You are pregnant
• You shared injection drug equipment
• You have symptoms



STIs can be contracted from both oral and pentrative sex and so the easiest way to protect yourself is to use protection. (Male) condoms can be used both for vaginal and anal sex or for fellatio (oral sex on the penis) while dental dams for cunnilingus and analingus (oral sex on the vulva and anus respectively). Condoms and dental dams don’t protect you 100% from STI’s but it is still worth using one. Condoms can be found in any drugstor/supermarket while dental dams are sold in sex shops or can be made out of a condom


Specifically on HIV

There are two pills, for prevention of contracting HIV, one meant to be used consistently when having unprotected sex with an infected partner and one to be taken after intercourse on a case by case basis. PrEP and PeP respectively. For more information on these contact your GP

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